What you need to know about SSL Certificates:
Does the idea of improving your search engine rankings and offering your visitors better security sound like something you’re interested in?
What if I upped the ante and told you can now get an SSL Cert for just $5.95/mo?
SSL certificates secure your website’s connection and boost its rankings in Google.
Yup, all of the benefits of SSL for just $5.95/mo!
Why should I get SSL?
- As of Dec 2016 73% of internet users use Chrome
- Since 2014 Google has given ranking preference to website using SSL
- Look at the information bellow on how the latest release of the Google Chrome Browser now shows if your website is secure or NOT.
What is a SSL Certificate?
Have you ever noticed how sometimes websites start with “http://” and then sometimes they start with “https://” and have a green padlock nearby? If you have, you’ve seen the end result of an SSL certificate. But what you haven’t seen is what goes on behind the scenes.
- SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. Essentially, SSL establishes an encrypted link between your web server and your visitor’s web browser. This ensures that all data passed between the two remains private and secure.
- With an unsecured HTTP connection, third-parties can snoop on any traffic passing between your reader’s browser and your web server. Obviously, this is a huge issue if you’re passing sensitive information like credit card numbers.
- But nowadays, many entities, including Google, are pushing to use secure HTTPS connections for all traffic, even things you might think are mundane.
Why Do You Need an SSL Certificate?
In general the internet is not a very secure place. Google has made the ultimate decision to help force all of us to get more secure with our websites. Starting on January 7th, 2017 Google rolled out an update to their Chrome Web Browser that drastically changes the way your URL shows up in the browser. An added benefit is that Google gives a search engine ranking boost to sites that use SLL. This added benefit alone is good reason to get your site secure.
If your website is not secure, and does NOT have an SSL Certificate this is what it looks like now:
Notice the Circle with the i. This was where your company logo, or Favicon use to show up.
If you click on the i you now get this warning:
So, in addition to offering a benefit to your readers by securing their connection, you also have both a Google-provided carrot and stick to motivate you to use an SSL certificate for your site.
Are SSL Certificates Expensive?
There are a number of different SSL certificates you can choose from. Each offering various levels of trust.
Standard SSL Certificates ($59.95/yr or $5.95/mo)
What’s the difference? Standard SSL Certs do not have an underwritten warranty. Why? These certs are not for eCommerce sites, or sites that handle sensitive user data. Standard SSL Certs are for sites that need SSL to comply with Google SSL requirements and to aid in SEO Rankings. You an get Standard SSL Certs for just $5.95/mo on any MHS Hosting Plan.
GlobalSign Domain SSL Certificate ($109.40/yr or $9.95.mo)
Anti-Spam Engine uses a GlobalSign DomainSSL to get the green padlock, the level of certificate costs only $109.45/yr and comes with a $10,000 GlobalSign Underwritten Warranty. DomainSSL certs are geared toward eCommerce websites producing less than $100,000 in online annual sales.
How to Get a SSL Certificate?
If you’re just running a regular WordPress site and aren’t handling any super sensitive information (like credit cards), you can get a SSL certificate from us for just $5.95/mo.
- Order StandardSSL Cert
Wrapping Things Up
Because of how Google is pushing SSL, it’s not something you can ignore. Right now, you’ve got the carrot of improved search rankings. But Google is showing they’re not afraid to use Google Chrome to “punish” sites who don’t move to SSL. Given that you can now get an inexpensive SSL certificate from HostUtopia, there’s no reason not to protect your visitors’ connections and boost your search engine rankings in the process.