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CloudLinux Servers

The Fastest Apache Overlay Available!

With CloudLinux and Accelerate WP you can run WordPress 75% Faster!


CloudLinux OS Shared Hosting Pro was developed with shared hosting in mind. It’s a state-of-the-art operating system that gives shared hosting providers what they need: advanced automation, deep-look performance analytics, and centralized monitoring tools. Intended for use by hosting firms, CloudLinux OS Shared Hosting Pro makes life easier for sysadmins, and also organizations that don’t have large IT departments. Compare CloudLinux OS Shared and CloudLinux OS Shared Hosting Pro features.


New PHP performance tracing tool: 

  • Identifies slow PHP-based CMS modules 
  • Identifies slow database queries 
  • Identifies slow PHP functions 
  • Identifies slow external calls

Troubleshooting Performance Problems 

PHP X-Ray was developed specifically to troubleshoot performance issues in PHP-based web sites, such as: 

  • Slow plugins 
  • Slow database queries 
  • Slow functions 
  • Slow external calls 


Problem -focused monitoring solution that not requires implementation and  continuous support by engineering teams in the future. 


Simpler solution for the teams that don’t have enough competences to build it in-house. 

Simple detection 

Detailed per-user view, integrated with LVE (unlike any available solution).

Accelerate WP