90 Days of Daily Website Backups, PLUS 1 Year of Monthly Backups
The BEST Data Protection in the industry!
We now store 90 DAY WEBSITE BACKUPS of ALL Your Data OFFSITE for the BEST Data Protection in the industry!
Roll back to any of the past 90 days for a complete restore of your site, or just one file. Easily access your JetBackups from your Control Panel.
Internal Website Backup:
Each Smart Server in our network has Raided Hard Drives, this means that there are two (or more) hard drives in each machine; information on the server is written to multiple hard drives instantaneously. This technology results in the initial protection of your data in the event of a hard drive failure.
Website Offsite Backups Network:
TWICE DAILY your data is replicated to an OFFSITE WEBSITE BACKUP SYSTEM powered by JetBackup. JetBackup is the leader in data center replication and data retrieval. The offsite storage network stores retrieval points for the past 90 days of all our website data, email, and databases. Via the JetBackup Icon in your cPanel Control Panel you can retrieve any file, directory, or your entire website, from any of the 90 Data Recovery Points.
Longer Term Data Protection:
Ever want a backup from Last Month, or Last Year? HostUtopia will store far beyond 90 Days. Most hosting providers store NO backups, or at most maybe 2 days. HostUtopia stores a standard 90 days and an option to store far beyond that. In your cPanel Control Panel click on the Automated Backups Icon to set further backup options where you can take a snapshot of all your data every month automatically.